Al-habeeb in Collaboration with Excel Point School Iba New site took to the street sexual abuse awareness rally on Monday 16th March 2020 to educate and sensitize the public, parents, and children on the danger of sexual abuse to the children. Sexual abuse has become a global issue affecting children and it can cause trauma, depression, anxiety, and suicide in victims. Our Volunteer Mrs. Maryann Amanfo educated the public about the danger and consequences of child sexual abuse on the physical, psychological and emotional health and wellbeing of the children

Please desist from engaging in sexual and physical abuse on our children, they are the future. We should not damage our future generation. We need to create a conducive environment for them to grow and excel in life. Adverse childhood experiences play a big part in shaping the health and well-being throughout the childrens’ lives. Sexual abuse in childhood can leave scars that can last for a long time. But many cases are never reported.

Special thanks to the Proprietor, teachers, and students of Excel Point School, our esteemed volunteer MaryAnn Amanfo for all the effort and contributions in making this program a success.

Join Al-habeeb to say:

No to sexual abuse.

No to physical abuse.

No to emotional abuse.

No to domestic violence.

No to rape.

No to child labour.

No to child prostitution.

No to child trafficking.